Our Trustee, Nayana took part in the Ride London 100 mile bike ride between London and Essex.

Why did you want to do the Ride100 challenge?

"I've been commuting five miles each way to work for a few years now on my bicycle. I've recently started to do some longer, but relaxed, rides into the Surrey countryside with a local cycling club called New Malden Velo.They always include a coffee and cake stop. When a friend of ours from Leeds wanted to come and stay with us for the weekend as he was doing RideLondon, I thought what the heck, maybe I should give it a go too!"

Why are you fundraising for the Huntington’s Disease Association?

"I have been working with Huntington's disease families for the last 15 years and I am so grateful to the support that the Huntington's Disease Association offers not only to Huntington's families but also to professionals. The Huntington's Disease Association has grand plans for tackling some of the issues that Huntington's families face but they can't do it without funds and every little helps."

What is your relationship to the Huntington's Disease Association?

"I've worked quite closely with some of the Specialist Advisers over the years in clinic but I am currently a Trustee for the Huntington's Disease Association and have really enjoyed getting to know the rest of the team and understand how the whole charity works. I am very lucky to be able to support them and am very proud of the work they are doing to ensure the best possible support and care for families with Huntington's disease."

Can you tell us about how you first came across Huntington’s disease?

"I'm a Clinical Genetics Consultant at St George's Hospital in London. I did my research degree as a trainee doctor with Professor Tabrizi at UCLH working on the TRACK-HD project. Prof Tabrizi and her team taught me a great deal and really paved the way for my current role as lead of the Huntington's disease service at St George's and chair of the predictive testing consortium. But the Huntington's disease families and the Huntington's Disease Association have taught a great deal about courage and resilience."

Nayana - Ride 100 - 2023

Thank you to Nayana for taking part in Ride 100 and for sharing the story with us. If you would like to learn more about how you can fundraise for the Huntington's Disease Association, contact us on fundraising@hda.org.uk.