This month we are talking about relationships and talking to a partner about your Huntington's disease status. 

We asked our Specialist Advisers what tips would you give people having conversations with partners for the first time?

  • Speak to your Specialist Adviser and Genetic Counsellor first for support and guidance
  • Avoid overloading them with information - keep it simple by just using key facts
  • Give the person time to digest the information
  • If speaking about it is too difficult, find resources such as our videos or leaflets that explain it in a simple way 


This video uses the example of talking to a friend about Huntington's disease and may help you think about how or where you start the conversation.

There is a section on talking to people about Huntington's disease in this guide for young adults that may also help.

A young adult's guide

External resources

Who do you tell if you have Huntington's

Read our community stories about relationships

Fionnuala Walmseley- Ambassador - Consent 2023

Opening up about my Huntington's disease status - Fionnuala's story

Read more

Huntington's disease blog

Love on both sides of the coin toss - Gemma's story

Read more

If you want to speak with someone before having your conversation you can call our Helpline on 0151 3315444 or visit the support near you section to get in touch with your local Specialist Adviser.