Trustees’ Week is a time for us to come together to celebrate the achievements of nearly one million trustees across the UK. 

Many voices. Working together. With purpose. This year we celebrate the individual talents, viewpoints and experiences each trustee brings to their board and their collective decision-making and how diversity can help make a charity stronger. 

- Trustee Week 2023

What made you first want to become a trustee?

"I’ve spent most of my career working in the charity sector for organisations focused on healthcare. I’m really motivated by the impact charities can have on behalf of their communities and jumped at the chance to work with Huntington’s Disease Association, an organisation which does this so well. My background is in policy and public affairs so I was keen to find a charity where I could offer that perspective at a trustee level."

When did you first put yourself forward to become a trustee and what was the charity?

"This is my first experience being a trustee and I’ve just hit my one-year anniversary with Huntington’s Disease Association."

Did you have any relationship to Huntington’s disease when you joined the Huntington’s Disease Association?

"No I didn’t – but I’ve got a big interest in neurological conditions and strongly feel that we haven’t done enough as a society for people living with these conditions. The work the charity does for people living with Huntington’s disease is invaluable."

In your opinion, what skills and knowledge do you feel you bring to the charity?

"My background is in public affairs and policy – so I hope I bring a good understanding of government and how to influence it. I really enjoy joining the dots between different issues so I like to think that makes me quite strategic. Good communication has always been central to whatever role I’ve done."

Why is being a trustee so rewarding and do you have a highlight from your time with us?

"The charity does so much good work – we really punch above our weight in terms of the impact we have. Making sure the team has the right resources and tools to succeed is a key part of our role. Looking at the work of Huntington’s Disease Association holistically, spotting opportunities and tackling risks has been a great experience. If I had to point to one moment, I’d say it was the parliamentary event Huntington’s Disease Association held earlier in the year with Hilary Benn MP. It was good to see so much of the team’s work come to fruition at this reception and so many MPs engaging in the issues that affect people living with Huntington’s. I’ve really appreciated being able to support on increasing our influencing capacity and the opportunity to play a small part in shaping how the charity has successfully shaped government policy."

What would you say to someone who was thinking about becoming a trustee?

"I’d say it’s a great opportunity to support a charity, is really fulfilling and definitely worth committing to!"

Thank you for the time, commitment and effort you bring to the charity.

If you would like to do more with the charity, you can take a look at different ways to get involved here. If you have any questions or have been thinking about becoming a trustee, please email or call 0151 3315444.